Member of NSESG


IBG (Ib G. Jensen A/S) was founded in Lemvig in 1974 as an all-round construction and contracting company. Since then, the company has evolved into a healthy and financially strong entity, handling commercial construction projects as both turn-key developer and general contractor, while maintaining our core competence: civil engineering.

Our company consists of two main divisions: Own production and commercial construction.

The in-house production unit works with three main areas:

  • Construction
  • Sewerage and concrete work

This division has approximately 60 employees who specialize in concrete, pavement (and similar), excavation and sewerage projects.

We have many years of experience in establishing and expanding wind farms and wind turbine test centers, including various types of piping and ducting tasks, as well as development tasks on construction sites.

In addition, the company has its own laboratory where we can perform a variety of soil type analyses, but also workshops where we perform minor repairs and maintenance to machines etc. and where we prepare different types of formwork, signs and the like.

Safety plays a big role at IBG

The OHAS organization at IBG works tirelessly to improve the working environment in the company. The organization maintains a broad perspective and is fully aware of all the aspects and conditions that can arise in a work process – from the construction site to the office. All professional parts of the company are represented here, working on the challenges that may arise from day to day.

Quality assurance

Quality assurance is a focus area for building owners and it’s a focus area for IBG, which works with a digital system called Ajour. IBG gives owners access to the system so they can follow the project all the way and all the time. This helps create transparency in processes for all parties and helps ensure that everything meets the expected quality.

Social responsibility

At IBG, we consider social responsibility to be a natural part of our everyday life and our business. We often take on interns – at all levels – and are happy to help people enter the labor market in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

About ten percent of the employees at IBG are apprentices. IBG considers it essential to help train new talent for the industry, and 90 percent of the apprentices we train stay with the company after completing their education. We believe this is because we give people responsibility while developing them professionally and speaking respectfully to each other.

Sustainability and the green mindset

In recent years, we have completed a number of SUDS projects, as well as other types of projects that integrate the use of sustainable products, which can be sustainable concrete, recycled plastic or other. In the company, we focus heavily on optimizing and reducing fuel consumption in our fleet and we actually have an employee on staff to monitor our machine operators and train them to minimize fuel consumption in excavation tasks. Overall, the company has a really high priority on improving opportunities for green solutions.

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Company information

Venusvej 10
7620 Lemvig, Denmark

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